Onsite classroom facilitators have a significant impact on the success of students and a school’s virtual learning program. Their responsibilities will be many, but training provided by regional ACCESS support centers will enable them to meet responsibilities related to handling technical issues, using the learning management system, receiving virtual learning courses, and managing a virtual learning classroom. Please review the Facilitator’s Manual to learn more.


 The responsibilities of the onsite facilitator are as follows:

  • Supervise and assist students
  • Monitor academic progress and student behavior in the physical classroom as well as in the virtual classroom
  • Communicate on a day-to-day basis with the ACCESS teachers
  • For Web-based courses, log on to the learning management system each school day to view announcements and track assignments
  • Assist students with minor technology issues
  • Ensure that students remain on task and on pace
  • Ensure the integrity of students’ work
  • Support the teachers
  • Take attendance and send absentee reports to teachers and school staff daily
  • Provide students with training on the use of emails, attaching documents to emails, and accessing WBI courses
  • Report technical issues to support center staff as well as to the school and/or system technology coordinator
  • Coordinate with the ACCESS teachers, students, local administrators, and support center staff to provide documentation (printed copies) of students’ grades for local school reporting purposes