
The world of virtual learning is growing – approximately 5 million high school students across the nation enrolled in a fully online class. Everyone at ACCESS (Alabama Connecting Classroom, Educators, and Students Statewide) believes that effective K-12 online learning environments are comprised of a variety of places, pedagogies, and technologies. We hope that you are interested in joining a select group of approximately 300 teachers interested in sharing this vision and willing to work with us to make the goals of ACCESS a reality. Whether you are a relatively new teacher or have years of teaching experience, being an ACCESS teacher will allow you to learn new skills, become more proficient in the use of multimedia resources, and develop a wide range of instructional methodologies.

Join Us

ACCESS teachers are responsible for creating a digital classroom environment where today’s students can fulfill their academic potential thereby ensuring that they develop 21st century learning skills. In order to be an ACCESS teacher, you must be certified to teach (grades 8 – 12) in the state of Alabama. Since we offer the entire high school curriculum, we are currently looking for new, enthusiastic teachers who are interested in teaching in an exciting, fully digital environment. If you are interested in becoming an ACCESS teacher, please download and complete the application. In order to be considered to teach for ACCESS you will need to send to Kevin Besnoy a completed application, a letter of recommendation from your school administrator, and participate in a phone interview with the regional support center director or designee. We offer all new ACCESS teachers professional development, as well as a mentor, that prepares them to become a successful virtual teachers. Applicants who satisfactorily complete these requirements are eligible to attend training. ACCESS extends no guarantee of employment to prospective teachers, even to those who complete the entire application process.

Pay Scales

ACCESS teachers are paid based on students completing a minimum of 30% of the graded items (dropboxes, quizzes, discussions) included in one of the term average calculations in the master course and each unique section. The rate of pay will continue to be $150 per half credit for WBI courses and $75 per half credit for VCI receiving students. Teachers will be paid by their support center only for students meeting the required minimum performance. Please view the ACCESS Teacher Pay Schedule.

Professional Development

Teachers must participate in comprehensive professional development provided by ACCESS Virtual Learning that includes training in instructional methodologies and technical aspects of WBI course delivery. This training will be conducted by one of the three regional support centers selected to support the ACCESS program and must be completed prior to the beginning of initial teaching responsibilities. Click here for more detailed information about how to receive credit attending professional development sessions. Please take a moment to view this month’s professional development calendar so that you can make the necessary arrangements.